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  • Classification and characteristics of spongeTechnical

    Classification and characteristics of sponge

    Foamed cotton: this material is made of polyether foam. The available machining equipment foam also artificial board in foaming, the foam cotton like a large square with bread, using slicing machine after slicing process, according to the different requirements of cutting thickness, foam hardness can be adjusted....
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  • How to operate safely in a spongy machine?Technical

    How to operate safely in a spongy machine?

    Direct cutting machine is a kind of mechanical equipment used for sponge processing. Although it has a high degree of automation, we still need to do related safety work....
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  • Methods to prevent the occurrence of mechanical malfunctionTechnical

    Methods to prevent the occurrence of mechanical malfunction

    Many people are using foam machinery for cutting work, will encounter some large and small fault problems, in fact, this is a normal phenomenon. When the equipment is used, if it fails, it should also be treated calmly. As long as we find the cause of the failure, we can get the corresponding solution....
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